A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Greetings! It's not normal protocol... but I loaded your wayward soul into one of our CRIMSON CRUSHING HANDS. We need you to crush those annoying "armored ones" that keep attacking our home! That is all. 

Our realm will not overwhelm your "Central Processing Unit" and "Graphics Processing Unit"... such is by design... however, heed my warning! 

Should insects cause your vessel to overheat, do not hesitate; I grant you the MAGE TYPOMANCY: "LEAVE A COMMENT" to relay your pain. Try to include a description of the bug, and if you're using the windows or mac version.


holding a computer mouse backwards hopefully makes you feel like the hand monster.

non commercial hand monster game is a little jam of a game to learn unreal engine stuff with as part of the sydney game a week thing that happened and then i had to go overtime

the theme was weird input. press your palm into the mouse keys to attack.

I forced unreal engine settings to low somehow. bust open the task manager/activity monitor and behold! you are not secretly mining cryptocurrency for anyone!

tested on "a 2020 macbook air" and "a windows 10 box that runs valorant on low at 144hz with vsync at least". ymmv

have fun! the game doesn't have any finish state. woops! I have to work on my actual game now


HandMonsterGame Windows.zip 473 MB
HandMonsterGame MAC.app.zip 391 MB


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wow i wonder if comments work! sorry first time on itch